Open Letter to Destler, Preece, Lowry
I sent the following letter to University administration, copying those who I thought may or may not also be interested.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Closing Paul Wasserman Library
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2005 08:14:45 -0400
From: Kevin Stone Fries
Dear Jenny,
It has come to my attention that more than just administrative changes
are expected in Wasserman Library at your request, and up to this point
with no community discussion. While no doubt you have the authority as
dean to make executive decisions, as a currently enrolled graduate
student who intends to use Wasserman Library over the next couple of
years, as a former student group leader in CLIS, and a self-styled
student activist, I have to say that I find this decision and the
process for reaching it alarming, with all due respect.
It is my intention to urge my graduate student colleagues, alumni, and
community members interested in CLIS to actively encourage open debate
on this topic because I think it goes to the heart of many complicated
and inter-related issues, including the university’s mission of
excellence in teaching, research, and service.
The communications from Dean Lowry’s office in my possession indicate
that CLIS administration has not and does not in the future intend to
include students in this administrative fait accompli. I find this
seriously disappointing, even while I think I understand in part your
difficult position.
Among the most important reasons that I feel that requesting reversal of
the decision as well as the inclusion of students and alumni in ways
more substantive than have been realized to date are that the physical
dismantling of Wasserman will likely seriously undermine your ability to
convince current and future alumni to support your fundraising
objectives and build an even more impressive CLIS-community. Schools
raise money from individual alumni not because of the existence of a
small number of unknown advanced researchers (no matter how laurelled in
academia) on the faculty, but because the school (which is different
from the extraordinary talent of individual teachers) genuinely reaches
out to them as people. Closing Wasserman Library, in my personal
opinion, compromises the ability of the College to demonstrate student
presence is valued, as well as the College’s ability to find the right
balance among excellence in research, teaching, and service.
My letter and my future activism are done intended to encourage a
detailed, respectful difference of opinion. As a recent graduate, I am
intimately familiar with the treasures of the CLIS and McKeldin
community, and as SAM President I took every opportunity to showcase
those while also encouraging my classmates to work to add what they see
as improvements in student life at CLIS.
Please reverse your decision, for the sake of current and future
students, as well as for the life of the College. I am more than happy
to discuss this with you, but as my current student status does not
include any student office, I am not sure how that would be most
Kevin Stone Fries
Copies to:
Provost William Destler
Dean Charles Lowry
CLIS Alumni President M. Marie Maxwell
SAM President Megan Smith
Collegium Representatives Viva Weinraub and Rob Jensen
Numerous professional contacts who may or may not share my opinions
Thanks, Carrie! I wish everyone would post their letters like this (to the CLIS list, this blog, another blog, etc.) so we all could benefit from other's opinions.
I really like your letter.
All the best,
Dear MCS,
Thanks for your note. A number of letters about the Ph.D. program have really filled out this conversation and improved upon it. The CLIS Ph.D. program was something I always wanted to know more about, especially after my brief and friendly interactions with my office mates or neighbors in the elevator. That this decision to close PWL dicourages applicants to continue their studies, is a very important and before now unmentioned consequence. Their studies, not just those of the M.L.S. students, will be seriously affected if the closure happens. It is a shame to consider...
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